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  1. Is it true? Age 30+ should take calcium supplements

    Is it true? Age 30+ should take calcium supplements

    การรับประทานผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารเสริมไม่ว่าจะเป็นวิตามินเอ วิตามินบี วิตามินซี ไปจนถึงวิตามินรวม หรือแร่ธาตุต่าง ๆ ก็ตาม หากจะรับประทานให้ดีและมีประสิทธิภาพนั้น นอกจากคุณประโยชน์ที่เราต้องคำนึงถึงแล้ว ช่วงเวลาในการเลือกรับประทานก็สำคัญไม่แพ้กัน
  2. Strain in children

    Strain in children

    “School age is the most comfortable time”, a familiar phrase that adults or parents always say to their children, but with children these days, it may not always be true. with harder lessons higher competition an increasingly stressful environment from society. Or the various things around the children have to deal with and coping with stress at different ages is different. Therefore, it is not uncommon for children to experience stress as much as us adults
  3. Multivitamin for hardworking

    Multivitamin for hardworking

    When entering working age, you should not overlook these symptoms absolutely: fatigue, tiredness, lack of freshness, insomnia, loss of appetite, accumulated stress. until the skin becomes dry dermatitis Hair and nails are fragile, break easily (girls are definitely not okay with this), or a weakened immune system.
  4. Supporting Fight Against COVID-19
    19 Aug 2021

    Supporting Fight Against COVID-19

    To be a part of helping and encouraging in this fight against COVID-19, Paradigm Pharma (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has donated VitaLozenge (multivitamin pellet type, mango-passion fruit flavor). 600 tubes for medical personnel at Sirindhorn Hospital medical office Bangkok.
  5. Fa-Thalai-Chon (FTC) For Prevention of COVID-19 Infection

    Fa-Thalai-Chon (FTC) For Prevention of COVID-19 Infection

    A plant widely used in Asia for upper respiratory tract infection is getting a close attention in the medical community for preventing Corona virus infection.
  6. Where does the protein come from? if not meat

    Where does the protein come from? if not meat

    When it comes to protein, people tend to think of meat. But did you know that for health people who want to refrain from eating meat, we can choose to eat protein from vegetables instead. The key is to eat protein from vegetables to make them healthier. It also reduces the risk of various diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes as well.