
How do you manage your cold & flu?

Moderate-intensity exercise, rest, warm salt-water gargle, breathing moist air to relief congestion are generally recommended, along with chicken soup or ginger tea to relief congestion symptoms. Cough drops or throat lozenges can be added to the regimen to sooth coughing and sore throat.

Some herbal supplements and medicines have shown benefits which are scientifically supported in the treatment of cold and flu symptoms.

Echinacea: The North American medicinal herb has been used to stimulate the immune system, fight against respiratory infections, sore throat. It may shorten the duration of common cold and flu, although the research regarding these benefits is mixed;

Fa-Thalai-Chon (Andrographis): Also known as King of Bitters” and Indian Echinacea, it is a member of the plant family Acanthaceae. Intensely bitter-tasting preparations from the whole plant have been used in traditional medicines for a long time to treat such illnesses as colds and fever. WHO has recommended its use in prophylaxis and treatment of upper respiratory tract infection, such as common colds, uncomplicated sinusitis and bronchitis.

Solanumtrilobatum: A thorny creeper with bluish violet flowers, found in Asia (popularly known as Ma Waeng in Thailand), is one of the important medicinal plants used for centuries as home remedy for the treatment of coughs.

Vitamin C: Taking vitamin C was not shown to reduce the likelihood of getting a cold in clinical studies, but it was associated with slight reduction in the duration and severity of cold symptoms.