
”Strain in children”

School age is the most comfortable time”, a familiar phrase that adults or parents always say to their children, but with children these days, it may not always be true. with harder lessons higher competition an increasingly stressful environment from society. Or the various things around the children have to deal with and coping with stress at different ages is different. Therefore, it is not uncommon for children to experience stress as much as us adults

Therefore, as an adult who used to be a student student before and through coping with the stress of studying hard or teenage problems come in a variety of forms We need to keep an eye on them if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms.

  • Short attention span, anxiety.
  • Headache or body aches.
  • Palpitations, sweating.
  • Angry, irritable, or crying easily
  • Bored, sad, don't want to do anything.
  • Tired all the time.

If you feel that your loved ones are facing these symptoms. We have to find ways to cope with stress. To help him have the courage to overcome the stress of school age. By being by your side, always caring about your feelings, not blaming or insulting, and understanding. together to help solve stress problems in this school age together Excessive pressure or expectations It will cause children to accumulate stress in school age as easily as possible. This is a condition that gradually produces free radicals and stress at the cellular level. or medically known as“Inflammatory processes” that cannot be seen with the naked eye but will show symptoms in the form of feelings”

NOTE: According to the latest statistics of the Department of Mental Health surveyed in 2019, it was found that Thai people, especially teenagers, There is a high stress trend consistent with the number of calls to mental health hotline 1323 soaring up to nearly 10,000 among adolescents aged 11-19 years. 1st place for love story 2nd and depression 3rd place

    Another way to reduce stress at school age as adults like us can help is. Providing nutritious nutrients to nourish and reduce stress for children. like the vitamin B family One of the basic vitamins that nourish the brain and nervous system. relieves stress prevent depression including symptoms of anxiety This nutrient can be found in foods such as brown rice, brown rice, whole grains, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and beans. The B family is a powerful antioxidant.

    • B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 are a group that helps maintain the brain and nervous system to function normally. For example, B2, B6 and B12 can help prevent migraine headaches, etc.
    • Biotin (B7) และ Folic Acid (B9) are highly effective in fighting stress. Because these two will help the nervous system to function normally. and control the tightness of the muscles It reduces the condition of body aches as well.

    NOTE: According to a report in the British Journal of Psychiatry, vitamin B, vitamin C or folic acid deficiency was found in people with emotional problems. This gives us a better understanding of the role of these vitamins in anti-stress.

    Vitamin B is a good vitamin for the body to help manage stress. But if you want your kids to eat all of these vitamin-rich foods each day. would be difficult Therefore, you may try to find a supplement such as vitamin B complex. or a multivitamin containing B vitamins take a supplement from a meal In order to get these vitamins in quantities that are sufficient for the needs of the body. Helps nourish the brain and nervous system reduce stress Restore the body to come back alive. and look healthy Best wishes from Paradigm Pharma