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  1. Tips for solving constipation problems

    Tips for solving constipation problems

    It must be said that constipation problems that many people are facing during their stay at home a lot. and may not receive complete nutrition That can cause negative effects on the digestive system. Therefore, today we have tips (not) secrets to solve constipation problems. Let's tell each other.
  2. Strengthen your defenses against toxic environmental conditions

    Strengthen your defenses against toxic environmental conditions

    environment today All increase the risk of inevitable health problems. whether it is a problem of pollution from the road Toxins produced by construction, factories, including PM2.5 dust, seem to stay with us longer and longer as our bodies accumulate more toxins. will cause the body to become weak and reduced immunity These things can be the cause of disease. Therefore, prepare yourself and strengthen your defenses. By taking good care of your health Eat foods that are useful and necessary for the body.